Playing is Learning


The Lucadev Newsletter
May 14th, 2015


Play the Challenge
A New Word is Coined
A new Character is revealed
A new Game is Afoot
An Edutainment Adventure Based on Three Rounds of Investigations
Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
I love Turkey, no, I mean turkey, with a small “t” especially when it is used as the butt for jokes and then it ends up in my mouth, baked. However, I wonder who chose this name for the country, seeing as the only turkey I prefer is the one that ends up on my dinner table on Thanksgiving Day. However, it’s their country and they can call it anything!
Istanbul is Turkey’s largest city. It holds the cultural, economic and historic heart of the country. Istanbul in the 19th Century experienced great changes. The living conditions in Istanbul took a very positive change in 19th century after the end of the Napoleonic wars. From 19th century, Istanbul experienced a period of peace that lasted over 100 years. A conference ‘Viennese Peace Conference’ played a vital role in ensuring that peace prevailed in the country.
In the 19th Century, Istanbul was turned to a place that other nations used as an example to learn to live in harmony in their countries and heal after the war. It was the time that the Europeans were learning and being trained to embrace nationalism. This made it a peace hub of sorts and to date, Istanbul is very peaceful.
From long ago, the people of Istanbul had held their unique religious beliefs. In the 19th Century, there was the introduction of more cultures and religions. This created some sort of religious and cultural paradox. Although people underwent training in different fields of life, they still developed differences with other cultures and the national ones.  Istanbul saw an addition of recreational and entertainment activities in 19th Century. The two were added for the purposes of tourism.
For the strategic location of Istanbul and its historic significance, this city has many intrigues. Forget the Turkish baths for now. Did you know that UNESCO has tagged many sites as World Heritage?
Just so you don’t forget, it is ISTANBUL, not “is a tanned bull”. Don’t start conjuring images of matadors and bulls. That only happens in Spain.

Can you Zoom in to the location on the map?

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