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Phases of the Big Bang

The Lucadev Newsletter
May 14th, 2015


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Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
Has any conspiracy theorist come forward to claim some absurd thing happening to the timeline? Man has a sick sense of humor because he thinks he can explain anything, even that which should not be explained. Sometimes, I think we should do just what we were meant to do, enjoy the creation, the marvel of the universe, wake when its light, sleep when its dark, and eat when hungry. But we never liked to keep things that simple, did we?
The timeline of the universe describes the universe history and future according to the Big Bang cosmology. This is the main scientific model that explains how the universe came to be and how it developed over time. The speculative nature ends after the end of the cosmic inflation.
From the early universe stage there are several stages occurring between 10–12 seconds and 380,000 years after the Big Bang. The stages are Super symmetry breaking stage, Hadrons epoch stage, Leptons epoch stage and Photon epoch stage. The stage that follows is the nucleo synthesis stage.
The nucleosynthesis occurs between 3 minutes and the 20 minutes after the Big Bang. This stage lasts about 17 minutes and stops after the temperature falls to a very low point becoming impossible for the process of nuclear fusion to take place. The neutrons and protons combine into atomic nuclei in a process called nuclear fusion. This leaves more hydrogen than helium-4.
Matter domination stage happens 70,000 years after the Big Bang. During this stage, the photons and atomic nuclei are equal. The Jeans Length begins to fall and causes perturbations. This stage is dominated by Cold Dark Matter that paves way for the collapse of gravitational forces by increasing the tiny residue left by inflation of cosmic inflation. 
Recombination stage occurs 37,700 years after the Big Bang where the formation of helium and hydrogen atoms takes place. The universe density falls enabling the photons to travel freely. The universe becomes transparent through a cosmic event called decoupling.   
In the Dark ages stage, prior to the decoupling process, there is the interactions of photons with the photon-baryon fluid and electrons. This stage is believed to have lasted between 150 million to 800 million years after the Big Bang.

Can you Answer the trivia about the phases of the Big Bang?

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