Playing is Learning

Our Solar System

The Lucadev Newsletter
December 6th, 2014


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Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
The lovely planet earth, the one that Bruce Willis saved from the meteor that would have made mankind, well and animal-kind, extinct, does not work in isolation. If you saw the movie Armageddon, you very well know what this is about. Earth is just a part of a vast system. The system is referred to as the solar system. Its name may be attributed to the fact that the sun is at the centre. Astronomers from time immemorial have tried to study the system deeply. Thankfully, due to the advanced technology we are now able to know what is going on around us, in the vastness of the universe.
With new inventions coming up, they have found their way to some of the planets and even to the moon. As they have found out from satellites roaming in the outer space, there are several objects in the space held up by some centrifugal forces. They include nine planets that revolve around the sun following a circular orbit, asteroids and comets. There are also 140 moons found in the orbits of various planets, some of which are bigger than the moon we see from planet earth.
The sun has a magnetic field that creates a magnetosphere around the whole system. In addition, the planets also have magnetic fields around them that hold them intact. Some of the planets near the sun such as Venus can be clearly viewed from the earth as they appear like  stars but they do not twinkle. Another thing to note is that each planet has an atmosphere with that of our world comprising largely of Nitrogen and Oxygen. There are also rings that surround some planets like Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter. Our planet Earth is the only planet that has been known to support life. However, recently astronomers have been debating on the possibility of having some life in Mars.
Can you assemble our Solar System?

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