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The Lucadev Newsletter
May 14th, 2015


Play the Challenge
A New Word is Coined
A new Character is revealed
A new Game is Afoot
An Edutainment Adventure Based on Three Rounds of Investigations
Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
Sinister, evil, a grinning demon, is most likely what pops into your mind when you hear this word. It does not sound any good, but it will not do you any good to kill the word. Rather, seek the meaning behind it.
Cataract is a condition that affects the lens of the eye. The lens is the clear part of the eye on the retina that assists a person to focus on an image or light. It appears like a cloud above the lens of the eye, meaning vision is clouded. Well, if you have been seeing people and thinking that they are pale, maybe you need a quick check. Blurred vision, fuzzy images and so forth are some common symptoms of cataract.
It’s a funny infection. It could occur in one eye, leaving the other eye intact. What an imbalance there, one eye ok, and the other giving pale visions.
Cataract can be caused by a number of things. The most common one is aging. This type is referred to as age-related cataracts. The second cause is as a result of medication. Some medicines cause this condition such as those administered to diabetic people. This type is referred to as secondary cataract meaning that it is as a result of foreign substances. Other things that may cause this condition are exposure to toxic chemical substance, radiation to ultraviolet light and drugs like corticosteroids.
The condition could be inborn. A baby could be born with this condition due to poor development, injury or infection when in the womb. Sometime, the baby can develop the condition during young age - this is called congenital cataract. An injury could result to this condition although it does not happen at the exact time. It tends to develop later in life. This is called traumatic cataract. Any person is at a risk of getting it, but those people at 60 years and above are at a higher risk of contacting it.
Cataract symptoms cannot be detected straightaway because they form slowly and before the victim realizes it, the vision is gone. Some of the symptoms you should watch out for to be on the safe side include a blurry, cloudy or filmy vision, inability to drive at night, lens changing color, experiencing double vision and for those who wear glasses, an a abrupt change in prescription. The only way to handle the condition is by going for eye tests regularly. In case it is detected, the doctor will initiate the treatment procedure.
Did we say it’s a funny infection? There is nothing funny about losing your vision. Go for a check up fast.

Can you find how cataract was cured?

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