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Propeller Plane

The Lucadev Newsletter
May 14th, 2015


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Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
In Britain, a different kind of propeller invokes fame and admiration. This is not the airplane or the marine propeller, but it is the Propeller Theater. However, there is another propeller, of a different kind, and that is the plane propeller. This is only a small part of the airplane, so small that you would be forgiven to think that it is negligible, but it is not. Not after so much work has gone into it.
A joke here: before the propeller plane, what did we have? Or is this the case of … between the chicken and the egg, which came first? We shall see.
One, Alberto Santos Dumont, was the man behind the pioneering of the propeller plane. He designed propellers to use on his airships. His knowledge of making propellers resulted from experiences with the airships. They were tried on his 14 bis bi-plane. It can be said that he paved the way for the Wright brothers - Wilbur and Orville.
Fortune comes to the brave and it seems that only the people who pursue their dreams to the end make it into the books of history. That is just how the airplane propeller earned Dumont a place in the books of history.
The idea behind the present day aircraft propellers was established by the Wright brothers. They backed up their propeller with earlier attempts on model air propellers. These propellers were tried on marine installations by some engineers like Dumont. These brothers used to carry out experiments on wind turbines as wings.
Applying the data from these experiments, they concluded that a propeller could be used in the place of the wings. To make it work, and to make sure that the blades’ angle attack was intact and constantly along their length, they introduced a twist to the long sides of the blades.
In 1903, they conducted their first experiment with their propellers and it was a success. The propellers made it possible to control the power and speed and it landed smoothly without any bang or damage. When compared to the modern aircraft propellers, the original propeller made by the Wright brothers was found to be only 5 % less effective. 
By 1920, they had vast knowledge about (the) aerodynamics of low speed propeller. Modern day improvements in trying to makes the propellers as small as possible have only made the situation more complex.
The propeller has undergone a lot of development with time. It has. In 1924 Beacham and Hele-shaw patented a constant speed propeller. By 1932 great strides had been taken. Variable pitch propellers were introduced while the patented propellers become available to everyone in the market.
Today, the propeller, small as it is, has still not undergone full metamorphosis and research is still ongoing to find a better one.  Would Dumont, yes, he of the earliest propeller come back, he would definitely recognize the modern one because the concept has remained the same.

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