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Specifics of the Respiratory System

The Lucadev Newsletter
May 14th, 2015


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Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
Save for my slab of a thick black nose, that is, whenever I am lucky to have it clear in this cold weather, I really don’t know much about human breathing. But wait, I know that respiration eventually leads to the breakdown of glucose in the cells to produce energy, water and carbon dioxide, and I can say that I am just lucky to remember my biology.
The human respiratory system is very complex, serving to show what a marvel of engineering the human body is! Of course, there is more to it than your nose, mouth and the lungs. Just to remind you of some biology that you should have learnt in elementary school, did you know that the oxygen that you inhale is transported to other body parts by blood? How? Of course, unless we look at this beyond that block of thick nose, we will never know, will we?
It starts with the nose, and the nose hairs too for crying out loud. These hairs are for purifying the air, trapping the dust particles and others so that they do not go to the lungs. That is why you should never act like a moron and breathe through your mouth if your nose is working ok. Then there is the trachea, that branches into bronchi, two of them that go into the lungs. The bronchi further branch into bronchioles, many of them. These go to the lungs and at their end, we have the alveoli that are actually sacs of air. These are in actual contact with the bloodstream, through the blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart, where the blood is pumped to other parts of the body.
Now, what we have seen above is just an overview. Do you know that the nose is more complicated? For example, when you breathe, the air is taken to the nasal cavity. It is then taken to the larynx and there, food and air share the same passage. However, the food is prevented from getting into the airway, trachea by a flap called the epiglottis. The right lung has three lobes while the left lung has two only.
Simply said, you didn’t actually imagine that we could discuss the whole complex respiration system here, did you, in a few words only?

Can you Answer the trivia about the respiratory system?

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