Playing is Learning

A Disease in the Respiratory System

The Lucadev Newsletter
May 14th, 2015


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Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
This is a very infectious disease and one thing that you want to be sure is to keep away from people who sneeze haphazardly because believe me, this disease is transmitted from one person to another though the air. When a healthy person comes into contact with the respiratory fluids of a person who is infected, they will get this infection. However, not to worry too much because Tuberculosis is treatable, as if that is any consolation.
In my part of the world, TB is mostly associated with HIV. I guess this is because when the immunity is weak, a person is more prone to the common opportunistic diseases like the cold and flu, which could lead to TB. However, you can have TB and not have HIV, and you can also have AIDS and not have TB. However, just so you know, there is something that you should worry about when you have TB and that is not HIV. You should worry about your immunity because a weak immune system cannot fight the TB germs.
In the advanced countries, it is very easy to treat TB and therefore there are few or no deaths that are associated with this infection. However, it is an entirely different story in the third world countries where this infection ravages people because they cannot get the best treatment.  There are many strains of TB and that makes the germs even more resistant to drugs. If you go down with TB, you may have to take drugs for a prolonged time before you can be cured.
Don’t be fooled by the smart names that this infection has been branded, like pulmonary tuberculosis that affects the lungs, or Extrapulmonary tuberculosis that affects other parts of the body apart from the lungs. This is a killer disease if treatment is not administered as soon as possible. Some of the signs to look out for include prolonged coughs, blood in the sputum, and so forth. Diagnosis is usually very accurate.
Next time you see that person whooping, coughing and sneezing for so long, please keep your distance. Ok, you sympathize, but keep your distance, ok? Unless you want tuberculosis to ravage your immune system.

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