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The Big Bang

The Lucadev Newsletter
May 14th, 2015


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Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
I find it very funny that scientists can tell us what happened in every fraction of a second of the big bang, but the cure for cancer and HIV has still eluded them. Well, if you believe in the creation theory, you may lose interest in this, but before you can go away, we are not telling you to believe in the big bang here.
The study of creation is somehow frightening because it sounds cultic, well, somehow. However, do not let that put you off from this very interesting reading about what must have happened immediately before and after the big bang.
Using modern technology, scientists have discovered that the universe was born about 13.7 billion years ago, plus or minus 200 million years, through the big bang. This was made possible through the study of radiation left behind from the big bang and other observations on earth and in space.
It is impressive that the scientists were able to determine the universe date of creation with such precision. However, scientists have done much more than just predict the universe birth date; they have pieced together the whole history of the universe from the date of creation to present day. Below is the timeline of the events as they occurred. They are just as astounding as the myths about creation from major world religions.
10^-43 seconds is the closest the scientists have gotten to the beginning of time. At this moment the universe is said to have been dense, hot and turbulent. A strong force is thought to have been created from the combination of electromagnetism, gravity and nuclear forces. At 10^-35, the strong force is said to have started breaking apart. It is around this time that the universe becomes inflated.
10^-32 seconds. The inflation leads to the occurrence of particles, which proceed to annihilate each other to form matter. 10^-11 seconds. This era involves the splitting of the electromagnetism and weak nuclear forces to form four separate forces. 10^-6 seconds. The universe expands and cools down to form protons and neutrons. 200 seconds. The protons and neutrons start to come together to form nuclei which is the core of atoms. Further cooling results in the formation of hydrogen and helium.
300, 000 years. In this era, the universe has cooled enough to allow for the formation of atoms. 200m years. The first appearance of stars was because of nuclear fusion reactions between hydrogen atoms. 0.5bn-1bn years. Gravity pulls down cosmic gas forming a swirling of stars we know as galaxies.
What interesting thing have you learned here? For me, I think I would like to keep away from any bangs, even door bangs! Bangs are dangerous.

Can you Assemble the phases of the Big Bang?

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