Playing is Learning

The Human Eye

The Lucadev Newsletter
June 17th, 2015


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An Edutainment Adventure Based on Three Rounds of Investigations
Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
I hate complexity! It takes the simplicity out of all that is good. For example, about the human eye, you either can see, or cannot see! That is all you and I, know about the human eye. Wait, there is that little bit about the eye perceiving objects in an upside down manner, as we learnt in elementary school. Was that true? I leave it to the scientists. Far as I can tell, the only time I have come close to spotting things as upside down is when I have taken one drink too many. A disillusion, I would call it.
Sclera is the tough, white membrane in the eye bulb. It is also referred to as the white of the eye. It is the fibrous opaque outer layer of the eye, the protective coat that surrounds the cornea. It is covered by the conjunctiva. It is attached to the muscles responsible for the eye bulb movement and maintenance of its size and form.
Optic Nerves are a pair of the second cranial nerves; they have about 1.2 million fibers each. It can be referred to as the cable that connects the eye to the brain. Its primary function is transmitting visual data to the brain from the retina.  
 Lens is located between the vitreous humor and the iris just behind the cornea. It is the colorless, transparent but firm eye structure.  It is usually enclosed in a capsule. Its function is refracting light to focus. The images are refracted on to the retina at the back of the eye. 
Ora Serrata is the serrated junction found between the retina and the ciliary body. It is visible in the front of the eye and sometimes it is colored.
Cornea is the transparent, dome-shaped coating of the eye. It covers the eye front- the iris and the pupil. It is considered as the most powerful lens in the optical system of the eye because it consists of five layers.
Vitreous Humor is a transparent jelly-like fluid that fills the cavity located on the back of the eye lens.
Choroid is a thin, highly vascular layer of blood vessels. It gives the retina a place to rest and supplies blood to it. It is positioned between the sclera and retina.

Can you Assemble the Eye?

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