Playing is Learning

The Roman Gods

The Lucadev Newsletter
June 17th, 2015


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Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
When you get to Rome, do as the Romans do, or their gods will give you a whupping. No pun intended at all, but like the Greeks, these people had quite powerful deities. Romans are famous for their many gods that were worshiped in public while at home they worshiped the spirits. Everything had a god or goddess in charge. The Romans had hundreds of different gods and their entire collection was referred to as Pantheon. The gods were from a strange mixture from different influences. The Roman gods were a mixture of the pantheon of Greeks and Latin.
The following were some of the Roman gods.  Minerva was a goddess. They used to worship her for learning, craft, intelligence and wisdom. Jupiter was the protector of the state and Juno as the women’s protector. The three were the most important Roman gods.
Other major Roman gods were Mars, Mercury, and Bacchus. Mars was the god of war. The warriors worshiped him for strength in battle. They believed he was good at fighting. Mercury was the messenger from the gods and the god of trade too. Bacchus was the god of wine production and grape harvesting.
The Roman gods were believed to have had a significant role in Rome’s foundation. In fact, the Romans believed that Mars was the father of the Rome founders, Romulus and Remus and Venus to be the mother of Aeneas, a Rome founder too. Venus thus was the Roman people’s divine mother.
Neptune was the powerful god of the sea. He used a trident as a symbol. Ceres was a harvest goddess. She was always portrayed carrying a bundle of grain. Another famous Roman god was  Vulcan. The Romans believed that he was the blacksmith of the gods. He was a god of the underworld.  They believed that when a volcano erupted it was due to him stroking his furnace too hard!
They saw the hand of the gods in everything, and that is what defined their culture. Their gods kept them in check, improved life and punished evil. Even today, that spiritual aura still hangs over Rome. You will feel it when you get there. When you are in Rome, PLEASE... don’t do, think, see, hear or speak evil. Be good!

Can you Zoom to the Roman god and answer the question?

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