Playing is Learning

The Models of the Universe

The Lucadev Newsletter
June 17th, 2015


Play the Challenge
A New Word is Coined
A new Character is revealed
A new Game is Afoot
An Edutainment Adventure Based on Three Rounds of Investigations
Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
Without Google, the conversation in a family would have been like:
Son: dad, what are those (pointing to the stars)
Dad: harrumph! What? Ah those… eyes of the gods
Son: (puzzled) do they stay open all the time?
Dad: Go ask your mother
Son: Mama, dad wants to know…..
There … and you still take Google for granted? Think again!
Once upon a time, the earth was flat, or at least that is what the once-upon-a-time land people thought. It is not right for you to entirely blame the hunters and gatherers for thinking such an absurd thing, you know, the curve that makes this our earth spherical is not as apparent like what photos from the moon show. And as you know, they were not even thinking of going to the moon leave alone flying or having a camera.
The strange thing about this conception is the fact that there was a problem with the earth being flat because it created the possibilities of having to come to an end where you could just fall off. Well, they must have covered this with some kind of belief that the earth was extended infinitively. Across the ancient world, people had their own beliefs of what the universe was. The heavenly bodies were constant sources of inspirations and the Samarians believed that the earth was at the centre of it all, a belief they carried to the Greeks and Babylonians.
There were so many theories put across over time all showing the need to quench the thirst of knowledge in matters revolving around the universe and how to perceive it. Looking back at the past, you can be amazed by the fact that mentioning that the earth was spherical at some point in history would land you in trouble.
Scientists such as Aristotle came up with theories that the earth was spherical and had a lot of proof to show exactly what he meant. Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus came up with a model that suggested that the sun was at the center of the show and all the planets dance around it with the farthest taking the longest period to complete one dance around the sun. And this is how the ancient perception of the universe changed to what it is today. 

Can you Zoom to the correct model and answer the question?

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