Playing is Learning

The Details of the Human Feet

The Lucadev Newsletter
June 17th, 2015


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Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
The human feet are one among the most complex parts of the human body. This is partly because of their components and partly because of the importance of the function they perform in the human body. The feet are made up of the bones, muscles, joints and even tissues, and they help the human body with the functions of running, walking, standing, and jumping.
The human foot is principally made up of three different divisions. These include the forefoot, which is made up of the five toes that are also known as the Phalanges, and the five longer bones that are called the metatarsals.
The next division of the human feet is the mid foot. This part of the foot on its own is also divided into 3. The 3 divisions that make up this part of the foot that has the look of a pyramid include the navicular bone, the cuboid bone and the three cuneiform bones.
When you come to the third part of the foot which is called the hindfoot, you will observe that this is made up of the ankle and heel. Here, you will get the talus bones that are always supporting the bones of the leg and the calcaneus bone, which is the heel bone.
Apart from the bones that have been explained above, other essential elements of the foot are the tendons, ligaments and muscles that make up majority of the mass of the human feet.
The Achilles tendon is one of the tendons in the foot, and this tendon connects the heel to the calf muscles. This helps with the function of running and jumping. It is also this tendon that aids us to stand on our toes when the need arises. This is one of the most essential tendons for athletic performances, and will hinder such a performance if it encounters any problem.
However, it is also good to let you know that majority of the muscles that aid also in the larger movements of the foot come around the lower leg, and when they are impaired, movement becomes problematic.

Can you Answer the questions about the foot?

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