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Ursa Minor

The Lucadev Newsletter
June 17th, 2015


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Welcome to the World of PROFESseeby seeCOSM™

PROFESsee is my title. I am the perpetual learner, in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and truth. I derived my name from professor
The world continues to discover and list the contents of the sky through the efforts of astronomers. This has led to the naming of different constellations and stars contained in them. Though the issue of constellations was already in use by the sailors in finding their route, it was officially discovered and publicized by the ancient Greek philosopher named Thales. Among the named constellation is the Ursa Minor. This is one of the 88 constellations that have been named by astronomers, and one among the 48 that was named by Ptolemy, the mathematician and astronomer.
However, there are various mythological beliefs about the Ursa Minor constellation that are very interesting, but we are going to look into just one of those. It is believed that Callisto, who was a friend of Artemis was deflowered by Zeus under disguise. This made Artemis change Callisto into a wild animal, which Callisto's son nearly killed while on a hunting expedition. However, he was later stopped and placed on the sky together with his mother Callisto by Zeus as Ursa Minor and Ursa Major. With this, the Ursa Minor becomes Arcas, the son of Callisto.
The Ursa Minor is made up of different stars. Nevertheless, the most popular of them is the Polaris. This is famous because it is the star which is located at the North Pole, and can be found when you follow the line that runs between the two stars that make up the end of the bowl.
But, the Ursa Minor does not have many objects in it like the Ursa Major. Many people see the Polaris as the most important content of the Ursa Minor. There have also been confusions on why the Polaris is called the North Star. Many were thinking that it is because the star is very bright, but the truth is that this North Star is in actual sense very dim, at least dimmer than other stars.
The only reason why the Polaris is the first star in Ursa Minor and is called the North Star is because it is located at a place where it never moves. It does not move from the spot where it is located in the night sky, and this gives it the name North Star. Other stars in Ursa Minor include the KOCAB, Pherkad, Yildun, and Pherkad Minor.

Can you Assemble Ursa Minor?

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